Dear friends,
I have recently gone through a sort of life epiphany in which I found what I enjoy, and decided that I will change my entire life to become that. Right now, I am coaching field hockey at an all-girls high school in Houston, TX. I spend my afternoons with 9th and 10th grade girls who continually impress me with their joyous attitudes, hard work, and enthusiasm for the sport. They have been pretty solid confirmation that coaching and teaching is what I want to do in life, so I am gearing up to separate from the Coast Guard and settle into a completely different future than I had previously imagined.
Now that I have that part figured out, I have to overcome both my lack of teaching experience and an unforgiving economy. But no worries, because I am stoked for it!
And I am in good company. When I see my friends, Carrie, Tasha, Linnea and Leigh, thriving in the civilian world, I am excited for the transition. Tasha likes to remind me of one benefit of separating from military: bright nail polish. Carrie keeps me in line by reminding me of the important deadlines with the Coast Guard Reserves and Veterans programs. Linnea is growing her own professional photography business, and succeeding in a profession that she truly enjoys! And Leigh has done something incredibly wild, and transitioned her family's life to an off-the-grid homestead that works to be self-sufficient and earth-friendly. Without having any experience building, she and her husband built the most beautiful shed, outhouse, and then house! I am looking forward to watching her garden grow via her blog, House in a Hill.
So following these trail-blazers, I have decided to change everything. Starting now (well, really starting a few months ago, but starting now sounds so much better). So, starting now. :)
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