Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Household Goods be Gone

Today, the movers came and toted away all of my belongings (except those that I hoarded in my closet) and began the quest for moving me to Texas.  Not watching the kitchen-packer carefully, I didn't see him pack all of my non-refrigerated food...including the open boxes of cereal, open bags of noodles, open bag of flour...I could go on.  Thankfully, I rescued the open bag of honey barbecue potato chips from the box before they made the 3 week trek to the trash can in League City.  Unfortunately, I couldn't explain to this man what shouldn't be packed and what should because he didn't speak English...and although he clearly spoke Spanish, he couldn't seem to hear my Spanish.  So I let it go, and received a quick lecture from my post-surgery-drugged boyfriend on how bad it is to let food go in the move.

Now I am cable & internet free (I'm in my apartment's business center), completely without furniture, and only authorized to shower at work now that my shower curtain is packed.  My belongings include a beach towel, blanket & pillow, an enormous pile of underwear & t-shirts, and a sufficient amount of frozen food (with no pans to cook it).  With Colin in a drug-induced sleep (and too far away to poke) and Lisa & Jenn both getting home late, I find my empty apartment rather lonesome.

I may go to the apartment grocer and buy a beverage. :)

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